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Present: Research Scientist at Eli Lilly


Tangshan Normal University,B.S.

Nankai University,master

Indiana University,PhD

Identity in group: Master Degree

Graduation/ Resignation Year: 2014

Dissertation: 二面角可控的联吡啶多齿配体的合成与应用研究/Synthesis and applications of multi-dentate bipyridine ligands with controllable dihedral angles


1. Zhang, Z.; Conant, C. R.; El-Baba, T. J.; Raab, S. A; Fuller, D. R.; Hales, D. A.; Clemmer, D. E., Diketopiperazine formation from 

FPGnK (n = 1 - 9) peptides: Rates of structural rearrangements and mechanisms, accepted, DOI:

2. Zhang, Z.; Raab, S. A; Hales, D. A.; Clemmer, D. E., Understanding the influence of solvents Diketopiperazine formation of peptide FPG8K, J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125, 2952–2959.

3. Sahota, N.; AbuSalim, D.; Wang, M. L.; Brown, J. C.; Zhang, Z.; El-Baba, T. J.; Cook, S. P.; Clemmer, D. E., A microdroplet-catalyzed Biginelli reaction: acceleration, mechanisms and separation of isomers using IMS-MS, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 4822–4827.

4. Conant, C. R.; Fuller, D. R.; Zhang, Z.; Woodall, D. W.; Russell, D. H.; Clemmer, D. E., Substance P in the gas phase: conformational changes and dissociations induced by collisional activation in a drift tube. J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom., 2019, 30, 932-945.

5. Conant, C. R.; Fuller, D. R.; El-Baba, T. J.; Zhang, Z.; Russell, D. H.; Clemmer, D. E., Substance P in solution: trans-to-cis configurational changes of penultimate prolines initiate non-enzymatic peptide bond cleavages, J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom., 2019, 30, 919–931.

6. Fuller, D. R.; Conant, C. R.; El-Baba, T. J.; Zhang, Z.; Molloy, K. R.; Zhang, C. S.; Hales, D. A.; Russell, D. H.; Clemmer, D. E., Monitoring the stabilities of a mixture of peptides by mass-spectrometry-based techniques, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 2019, 25, 73–81.

7. Xu, B; Zhu, S.; Zhang, Z.; Yu, Z.; M, Y.; Zhou, Q., Highly enantioselective S–H bond insertion cooperatively catalyzed by dirhodium complexes and chiral spiro phosphoric acids, Chem. Sci., 2014, 5, 1442-1448.

8. Xu, B.; Zhu, S.; Zuo, X.; Zhang, Z.; Zhou, Q., Enantioselective N-H insertion reaction of α-aryl α-diazoketones: an efficient route to chiral α-aminoketones, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 3913-3916. (Selected as Very Important Paper).